lodger|lodgers in English


['lodg·er || 'lɑdʒər /'lɒdʒ-]

one who lodges; one who is lodged; (British) tenant, occupant; one who stays at a hotel or i

Use "lodger|lodgers" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lodger|lodgers" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lodger|lodgers", or refer to the context using the word "lodger|lodgers" in the English Dictionary.

1. And I've got a lodger.

2. This young lady's our new lodger.

3. My friend is a lodger in my uncle's house.

4. Are you still looking for a lodger?

5. We have decided to take in lodgers to help pay the mortgage.

6. We are at variance about our lodger.

7. What has been left by the previous lodger?

8. He did not expect the lodger to return.

9. The lodger has decamped with paying nothing at all.

10. Ma Kehoe says you're the nicest lodger she's ever had.

11. The thief had planned to plant the stolen watch on a fellow lodger.

12. Jill and Sue are at variance over/about their lodger.

13. Jennie took in a lodger to help with the mortgage.

14. Deborah had taken a lodger the moment she found her place.

15. Then taking in a lodger or renting out a room may be the answer.

16. All of the wealthy families had house guests and almost every farmhouse and cottage had arranged to have lodgers.

17. Boarder definition, a person, especially a lodger, who is supplied with regular meals

18. 23: Our lodger had our upstairs, use of the stove, our tap, and our Bog .

19. The constable, the landlord, and a curious neighbor went upstairs to arrest the lodger.

20. If you have a spare room, put it to work for you - take in a lodger.

21. " What do you mean? " said the middle lodger, somewhat dismayed and with a sugary smile.

22. In contrast the relationships of landlady and lodger, landlord and tenant may have this component.

23. labouring -- and had run into the next room, which the lodgers, pressured by the father, were already approaching more rapidly.

24. If only conventions were not so rigid she could easily have had him for a lodger.

25. 18 In contrast the relationships of landlady and lodger, landlord and tenant may have this component.